Black Garlic Bulbs 100gr

Regular price $15.0015.00
Black garlic is a type of caramelized garlic produced by slowly heating whole bulbs of garlic over low heat over a number of days/weeks. The process gives you gorgeous shiny black cloves that taste sweet with hints of balsamic and tamarind. The individual cloves can be sliced and added to risotto, pizza, salads and..... It is delicious smeared on a artisan bread with a few drops of olive oil and grains of salt. It also pairs well with chocolate and has been featured in a chocolate mousse recipe. It's surprising flavour is truly delicious. 3 bulbs included in your package
Garlic farm Bulbs of Fire specializes in heirloom garlics. We have a keen interest in the hotter varieties. Hence the tagline 'garlic that bites back'. At Bulbs of Fire we believe in real food. We believe that food nurtures both the body and the soul. Every bulb of garlic we grow, is meant to be enjoyed as healthy food source. We grow our garlic with an natural, organic approach. Bulbs of Fire is a small family farm business that has sprouted from a homesteading philosophy.